What is HTML?
HTML full form is Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the core markup language for making web pages. HTML creates the structure of web pages.
August 22,2022
Div tag in HTML
Div tag of HTML stands for division. The short form is div. Div tag of HTML group your other tags such as h1 tag and p tag etc. You can say it is a container that contains other tags.
August 23,2022
Disable button in HTML
There is an attribute called disabled which disables your button. It takes a boolean value e.g true or false.
August 24,2022
HTML button types
There are three HTML button types. 1. button 2. submit 3. reset
August 25,2022
How to center text in HTML
There is no built-in tag in HTML 5 that centers the text in HTML, but we can achieve this with CSS.
August 26,2022
HTML space code
HTML space code( ) is a reserved keyword of HTML for giving space between words. It is also called a non-breaking space.
September 23,2022
HTML line break in paragraph
The HTML line break(<br/>) tag is used to break the line. The text after <br/> will start at the new line.
November 03,2022